Saturday, 17 September 2011

Designing in reality rather than in theory

Visuals for Pharmacy Layout 
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Centre
Reception Counter 
As a student you spend your time predominately designing in theory. Your briefs have been made up by tutors or design practices that are friends with the university. Nothing ever gets built as long as it looks good and appears to work within the space you pass. There is no loss of profit when a drawing is out by a millimetre, there are no demanding clients wanting their proposals yesterday ultimately you can do no wrong that cannot be fixed.

Bidbury Infant School
Cookery/ Art Room 

Yet, as I had a chance to find out on my recent placement year at Ken Rand Partners, in reality things move quickly, mistakes can be costly, clients do change their minds and accuracy is everything.
Wentworth Bowling Centre
Working with Createability
Being on placement gave me a great chance to experience what being an interior design means outside of a classroom. As a part of a three person team I was able to be an integral part of all the various projects throughout the year from school classrooms to bowling alley serveries.

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